We Went Camping! (Kind of)
For some reason I decided that I wasn't being a good father unless I set up the tent in the backyard and let the kids sleep out in the great wild world. I think Michelle's quote was, "Just for the record, I think you're crazy." She's quite perceptive.
Anyway, I got the tent set up, and now it's time to load it up with all the important things - sleeping bags, blankies, teddy bears, books, flashlights - you name it, we had it.
Eli is obviously quite excited to help get the tent set up.
Koleman shows off his nice new pajamas, just perfect for a night outside.
Kelson doesn't want to show his nice new jammies.
Look, they're all in the tent, and they all seem happy!
It's not quite bedtime yet, so it's time to play in the wilderness.
Kelson knows the proper way to drive.
Shortly after this picture was taken, they both melted into butter. Mmmmm... pancakes...
Now, even though Milena's eyes look open, I'm sure she's asleep here. Perhaps she's part wizard. You'll notice that Kelson didn't last the whole night. He decided to go inside with Mom at about 9:30. The other three slept well (for a very, very, very broad definition of "well").
And here we are, bright eyed and bushy tailed at 6:15 in the morning. Was the camp-out a success? Probably, but I think I've had enough camping for this year.