Thursday, January 19, 2006

My Lovely Ankle

Since I have had to spend much of my time lately doing nothing but sitting with my foot elevated, I thought I would share with the entire world the beautiful object which my ankle is. On Sunday night I suffered my first ever sprained ankle, which was a very, very happy time for me. I sang sweet songs of praise and adoration to the Basketball Gods for allowing me to experience something which I had only witnessed before.

Anyway, since this very well could be my "watershed injury", I decided to document it. Also, I think this might allow me to trump Scooter, who, as far as I know, only has anecdotal information about his "toe" "injury."

Day One

Here is what my foot looked like most of Monday.

As you can see here, the foot looks relatively normal, but there is slight swelling around the ankle. (And yes, those are some extremely handsome legs)

Day Two

By Tuesday my foot started showing some pretty stylish bruising colors, and the swelling had increased.

As you can see, my left foot was starting to lose some definition. Can't quite make out all those tendons (or whatever biological garbage is in there).

Day Three

Hey, look, the bruising is coming into the inside of my foot now! Cool.

Now that, my friends, is one pretty foot. Michelle said that it looked like a dead fish. As its coloring expanded, she claimed that it was a rainbow trout. There is an ankle bone there, I promise!

Day Four

The bruising has attacked my toes! Aargh! The humanity!

That's a darn pretty foot, don't ya think? The good news is that there is hardly any pain, and I can walk almost normally.

Well, there you have it, photographic evidence that I hurt myself. Hopefully these photos will scare away some people from ever checking this blog again. I'll make sure to post more pictures if my foot sports any fun new colors or shapes. However, I think I'm at a point where things are only going to get better.

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