Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Kelson Is Four!

Sure, his birthday isn't technically until the 20th, but we decided to have his party this weekend, and figured he didn't need to deal with any confusion, so he's 4 now. He has a very talented Mommy - he wanted a Cars cake, and she put Lightning McQueen on the cake. I would have just taken the car and squished it onto the cake.

Here's everyone at Kelson's party, minus the photographer.

Kelson is excited to open his gifts.

Oooh, a fire station! Cool!

Happy Birthday to you...

And they were all blown out in one try!

Kelson told me to take a picture of him with his new dinosaur. Then he posed himself in a very dignified manner. He was pleased with how the picture turned out.

The siblings were very happy with Kelson's birthday as well. Here Koleman and Eli play Whac-A-Mole.

Milena likes Whac-A-Mole also.

Koleman loves Playmobil, so really wanted to help Kelson set up his fire station.

And Eli thinks the Shake and Go racetrack is awesome. Eli has probably played with it more than all the other kids combined.

And, finally, here are all the kids playing Whac-A-Mole together. What a cute group of kids!

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