Tuesday, April 03, 2007

April Fool's Day Brunch

On Sunday Grandma Karen and Grandpa Gary were over for a lovely April Fools Day Brunch. This was a very special five course meal - one I've never experienced before. Here is everybody except me (for obvious reasons) and Michelle (because she was the waitress/server).

The paper bowls that you can see in the picture each contained fifteen folded over pieces of paper, each of which contained one part of the meal. Here are all of the labels:

Everybody drew three pieces of paper at a time, and you only got those three things for that course. And then when that course was done, whatever you had was returned to the kitchen. For example, one course I was able to have a fork, a glass, and a pretzel.

Yum. I ate the pretzel, and then the fork and glass were sent back to the kitchen.

Grandpa shows off how to eat tomatoes with a fork. He was lucky that time, since if he made a mess he had his napkin.

Milena also got to use a fork for her tomatoes. They probably both cheated.

Grandma gets to use both a knife and a fork to eat her piece of bread!

Eli is laughing, because he just realized that his course of knife, fork and glass didn't include any food.

Kelson carefully examined his food before eating.

Something funny happened near Grandma and Koleman. Apparently it didn't have to do with the orange in Grandpa's glass.

Koleman gets to wipe his hands. You had to use the napkin when you got it, otherwise it would be wasteful.

Now, you may have thought, "What happens if you get a beverage, but didn't also get a glass?"

That's a great question. Here's the answer:

And again:

Open wide, Milena!

For some strange reason, Grandpa was the only one who spilled his beverage.

Messy shirt!

Of course, he was also the only one to gargle his beverage. That just shows a lack of class.

Once our five courses were over, we were able to eat a real meal. Everybody thought the goofy meal was a lot more fun, though.

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