Friday, June 01, 2007

Preschool Graduation

I know, I know, I'm completely behind on my posts. I haven't even finished San Diego pictures yet, and we came back from there over a month ago. Oh well, I do my best.

Anyway, Eli and Milena graduated from preschool this year, and are ready for some big kid kindergarten fun next year. But first things first.

Here is most of the class lined up for the ceremony.

Bennett runs interference between Milena and Eli.

I love the interactions between the kids. They can only pay attention to what's going on for a short time, and then try and figure out how to best occupy their time. They had to be a little bit careful, because the graduation hats they made would come off their heads if they moved too quickly.

Milena gets her diploma from Miss Diane.

Something funny happened. I don't know what it was, but Eli enjoyed it.

The boys are thrilled about their flowers.

Milena with her diploma and flower.

And Eli with his.

The two graduates, very prim and proper.

It was a cute program for them, and all the kids were very proud. And after the ceremony, we got to eat treats, so it was all good.

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