Thursday, October 04, 2007

Kelson Teaches Grandpa a Lesson

A couple of weekends back, Grandpa Gary was taught a lesson on Wack-a-Mole.

As you can see, Kelson is pleased with the way the match is playing out.

He truly has the skills and form to make a world class Wack-a-Moler.

And here is video proof of Kelson's dominance. (Yes, it is 1 minute, 55 seconds of Wack-a-Mole - potentially the greatest video ever put on YouTube)

(I think Grandpa might not have been trying)
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Scooter said...

I like Tori Amos singing who will save your soul in the background. Gives the whack-a-mole competition an Ingmar Bergman's Seventh Seal Human v. Death chess feel. Whack-a-mole...for you soul!

klund said...

It's not everybody who can give you that kind of depth in their videos.

Scooter said...

Who wins when they're playing in the mode with only noises and no light-up mining helmets?

klund said...

C'mon, you don't think that Wack-a-Mole is about such petty things as "winning" and "losing", do you? Wack-a-Mole is a way of life.