Wednesday, January 02, 2008

First Loaf

Michelle received a book for her birthday from my parents. It is called "Artisan Bread in Five minutes a Day" ( link here). Michelle and I worked together to put the bread dough together, and then I made the first loaf while Michelle and Milena were having Girl Time at the hair place.

For the first loaf, and using the most basic recipe, the results were fantastic. It was incredibly easy. I even learned a valuable lesson: When it says to slash a 1/4 inch deep line for the tic-tac-toe pattern on the top, they mean 1/4 inch. I accidentally went down 3/4 inches on my first slice, and 1/2 on the next ones, which resulted in a bit of a tumor on top of the bread.

But it still tasted quite good.

Michelle is excited to explore the other options in this book.

Thanks Mom & Dad!
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Scooter said...

Why does it look like a breast?

klund said...

I already explained that - it was due to my over-zealous slashing.

Although now that I know how to make booby-bread, I might do it that way on purpose from now on.

Anonymous said...

The most important question is ---- How did it taste?????

Anonymous said...

Actually, if you hollow out the middle it will make a nice cap for one of your children to wear. I think it would look especially nice on a young lady, like Milena. If not her, then Michelle.

Charlie Potts said...

The "First Loaf" sounds very presidential.

Though I'm not sure Mrs. Bush would be happy to know you are calling her names.