Friday, September 10, 2010

My football camp


Larry Rubinow said...

Koleman still holding out for a guaranteed contract?

Anonymous said...

The next video should be of Kevin and me showing the kids the proper way of attacking the opponents.

Scooter said...

You posted this three times! I got "Sorry, the page you were looking for in the blog Klund's Photo Blog does not exist." on the first two. Imagine my disappointment at only finding one video.

I love the "can you take a picture Dad?" in the video. Eryn does that all that time. I'll be videotaping, and she'll start directing. Ruins the spontanaeity of my craft and all the work I put into getting her to say the words I coach her on.

Kids looked like they were having a great time.

klund said...

Three postings is due to the ease and convenience of new technology. Never trust your phone.

I have lots of video of Koleman saying, "Can I see?" Makes for great video.

And Larry, Koleman can hold out all he wants. I don't give guaranteed money.