Monday, July 25, 2005

Just Some Random Pictures

Here's a cute picture of Eli with his Annie Bear.

For no good reason at all, we set up a tent in our living room. Kelson took it upon himself to be the head camp cook. No reason to rough it completely, I suppose.

Milena was hard at work at the campsite kitchen as well.

In this picture, Kelson is pointing to the location of a small, metal magnet ball. "It's in my tummy!" Michelle said that it was quite easy to spot in the x-ray. Darn kids. Anyway, we're supposed to, um, watch for it to make sure it passes properly. Anybody have a portable metal detector that I can use to scan dirty diapers? Anybody?

1 comment:

Scooter said...

Um...can't you just get another magnet and wave it over the poop. If it leaps out and attaches itself to the magnet in your hand, you've found it. Or if the poop shoots across the room in the opposite direction, same conclusion, opposite pole. If you don't have a magnet, wrapping some wire around a metal bar, running a high electrical current through it, and putting the metal bar in the location Kelson poops will take care of it one way or another.