Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Bismarckian Visitors

We had the pleasure of having some visitors stay with us during Labor Day weekend. If you have seven little kids in the house, the obvious thing to do is to set up something where they can all jump and bang into each other.

What could go wrong here? OK, maybe a face plant or two, but nothing serious.

And anyway, even if something happened (not that it did), there would, hypothetically speaking, be an uncle around to provide sympathy.

Jorgen does his Darius Miles impersonation.

The quality on this picture isn't the best, but if you look close you can see that Jorgy does not have any problem unleashing his primitive hunting instincts. Jonny is in trouble.

Koleman and Jonny discuss what effect the appointment of John Roberts to the Supreme Court would have on the rights of the individual.

On Sunday we went to the Minnesota Zoo. In a brilliant turn of events we managed to drive right into the heart of a nice big thunderstorm. We pulled over to wait for the road to become visible again. The kids were a bit nervous in the Lund van. Kelson tried to hide behind a toy car.

Eli explains to Milena and Koleman where in the zoo they were.

Seven kids chowing down on a yummy pancakes and eggs breakfast. Mmmm, syrup!

Hey, look at those cuties!

Don't mess with this kid!

Milena is Queen of the Soccer Ball.

And finally, three kids in tires. Jonny.

Milena, who managed to find some kind of bizarre wind tunnel.

And Koleman, who happens to be upside down.

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