Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Examples of Bad Parenting

Michelle left me for the weekend, so I responded by being a bad parent. First off, it probably isn't a good thing when your seven year old has one of your four year olds in a stroller on a hill. Do I tell them to stop? Of course not, this is a Kodak moment (well, a Sony moment, to be technical)!

Away you go, Eli!

Boy, I sure hope nobody gets hurt.

Next example - who teaches their kids to go down the slide like that? Must be their mother.

What's this? Why is the stroller tipped over? What do I hear from inside of it?

Oh, look, Milena fell over and she can't get up!

"Koleman, I bet if you jump you'll kill yourself. I dare you!"

"No really, don't ... oops, too late."


By the way, for video highlights of bad parenting, you can always watch this video (8.9MB).

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