Monday, August 27, 2007

Holy Bees!

A couple of weeks ago we had to deal with an invasion of bees. Michelle noticed a lot of bees going into a container which held the cushions for our old (and unused all summer) patio set. Opening the container up revealed a lovely surprise - a bee hive!

Here's a slightly closer look at the hive. The opening in the middle isn't their doing - it's where I sprayed the nasty bee killing stuff. The bees tried to escape, but only got a short distance before collapsing and dying a relatively quick, but hopefully painful, death.

The kids were actually quite concerned about me going out to battle the bees. They all said "Good bye" to me in a manner which made me suspect that they didn't think I would return alive.

I took off the top cushion, and this was left. There were lots of little squirming bee larvae (or whatever they're called). Their protective layer of mucus must offer some defense against the killing juice.

The hive is gone, the bees are dead, the cushions are ruined, and life has returned to normal.

Well, as normal as it can be in our house.
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Anonymous said...

WOW!!!!!!! You are lucky that your backyard is NOT in playing condition. That kept the kids away so no one got stung. I'm impressed with the size of that thing.

Good job protecting your family.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't expect that you would have been stung. Afterall, you had opportunities to learn the fine art of bee removal from your father. Too bad your mother never took any pictures of me with my "protective" clothing on.