Saturday, August 11, 2007


Koleman was in another Prairie Fire Theater play this summer - "Peter Pan." He was a vicious pirate. Here he is with some other pirates.

And here he is with two of his good friends. Maggie was also a pirate and McKenna was Tinkerbell.

Eli, Milena and Kelson were so impressed with the play that they would perform different parts of the play in our basement. Kelson got into the full pirate outfit, and was called (if I'm translating this properly) "Skimmer Skimmer Smee."

Milena would generally put on bunny ears, although in this picture she seems to be bunny ear-less. Eli would dress up in a ninja outfit and be "Hot Wheels Ninja."

It's hard to see Eli because ninjas are hard to see.

I don't think they fully understood the Peter Pan story, but at least they had fun.
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