Sunday, October 07, 2007

I was robbed!

I went to the annual Zilge Chili Fest last night. I suppose I could blog about the fun that I had, or the people I talked to, or embarrassing stories I heard about Brad's youth, but no. All of that pales in comparison to the voting travesty which took place.

Anyway, here's TallBrad (and no, the other picture will not go on a family oriented blog like mine, you dirty, dirty man):

And here is the evil Mr. Duhzinkster, the charlatan whose chili was somehow voted (by one measly point) ahead of mine.

You can see that I am trying to take what was rightly mine - the necklace given to the maker of the winning chili. It is completely inexcusable that his chili received more points than mine, which was superior in every way. It doesn't make any sense. I would have thought that the anger would have died down, but it hasn't. I don't know if I will ever be able to set foot in West Saint Paul again.

Life has very little meaning for me right now. As a matter of fact, the picture which best describes the loneliness in my heart is this picture of Brad's fire pit, ignored and neglected.

And, since I have nothing else to add, here is a picture of some random kid trying to kill some random dad.

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Anonymous said...

I think your anger should be directed at your oldest son. Had he not conveniently come down with pneumonia, your lovely wife would have been able to join you. Her vote surely would have vaulted you into 1st place.

I sure am glad I am not in Koleman's shoes.

Anonymous said...

Don't blame me I'm just a 5 foot kid.

Anonymous said...

Ok, you are off the hook. Good thing you aren't over 5'2, then there would be trouble.