Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Do you Webkinz?

Two months ago there were no Webkinz in our house. Today there are about 15 Webkinz. They breed like rabbits. Imagine if you had a Webkinz rabbit! I shudder at the thought.

Here is Kelson doing what every child in our house wants to do 24 hours a day - sit in front of the computer and play with a virtual version of a fake animal.

We are actually having a Webkinz break at our house right now. It was getting to be a bit much. We've unplugged the electronic games for at least a week.

Go climb a tree!
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1 comment:

Scooter said...

Eryn has a WebKinz Hippo. She likes it a lot - but she doesn't play obsessively. She's more excited when Pooteewheet and I play enough word games that she can buy a swimming pool and a back yard.

I think she's sad because she doesn't have WebKinz friends, so she just plays with the hippo offline.