Thursday, May 22, 2008


Eli and Milena are playing soccer right now, on a team where they get jerseys and everything! Eli is on the black team, and he's doing great. There is another Eli on his team, and I've heard the coach yell out, "Way to go, Eli's!" a couple of times.

They meet Saturday mornings, and start out doing drills. Halfway through they switch and play a game. Here is Eli getting ready to chase down a ball. They must destroy the hated light blue team!

Milena is on the all-girls, all-pink team. She is actually one of the bigger kids on her team. It's definitely much more of a social event on the girls' field, a humorous contrast to the competitiveness going on ten feet away.

After soccer, there is time to go to the playground. Eli has fully learned how to swing on his own, as you can tell by his big smile and high elevation.

Kelson comes to watch, but generally spends most of his time on the playground.

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Anonymous said...

I think Miles is bigger than the girl on the far left of Milena's picture! My how the kids have changed!

Anonymous said...

How much fun to see the kids enjoying their soccer. That's good exercise for them.

Way to go, Eli and Milena !!!!