Friday, June 20, 2008

A turtle and her eggs

How do you know if a turtle is a she or a he? Well, if you are a trained epistemologist, you look at the underside of the flippers (if you know what I mean). However, for us laypeople, you look to see if it is laying eggs. If it is laying eggs, it's a girtle (girl/turtle - girtle. ha ha).

On Father's Day we stopped by my parents house for a quick "Hi there! Bye there!", and happened to see this turtle on the side of the road. In this picture, we can guess that it might be a girtle, but we can't be sure.

Now we can be sure! It's a girtle!

And, in case you thought that I had Kelson run out and put a ping-pong ball under a boy turtle, just to fool all of you, here is video evidence:

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OMG OMG: said...

so big is this turtle.....

Scooter said...

There was a big turle like this on my residential road yesterday - which is sort of weird, because I don't know a particularly good turtle hang out anywhere without over half a mile. She was a long ways from home. I also saw one on I35E and it hadn't fared as well. I was surprised there wasn't a flipped, buring wreck nearby.