Thursday, January 29, 2009

An Open Letter to Don't Kick the Baby

Dear Don't Kick the Baby,

We, The Frumpy Index, have some issues. The first, and most pressing, is that one of our bandmates is suffering from a ganglion cyst (don't click this link if you don't want to see an example of a ganglion cyst out of the wrist). This makes it virtually impossible for her to play guitar, and slightly painful to bang on the drums. Her singing, of course, is still spot on perfect, but nobody wants to sing on Rock Band all the time. In short, our Rock Band time has suffered.

The second issue is that Mario Kart rocks. Wouldn't it make a lovely Valentine's Day present for Eryn? I think it would.

We did catch up a little bit last night, but it's slow going.

When would you like to have a jam session? Friday night appears to be free for us.


The Frumpy Index

And, since this is a Photo Blog, I give you a picture of The Frumpy Index:


Anonymous said...

Wouldn't we all LOVE to have our very own ganglia cyst on our wrist? It looks lovely.

Any improvement on the horizon???

Too bad about the Rock Band interference by the cyst.

Scooter said...

Gross...I suppose you can't play drums with one of those, you'd be bleeding all over the place.

I'm weighing how that compares to not having drums at all for two weeks and a kidney stone, but I think the cyst wins. Unlike your band.