Wednesday, March 18, 2009

St. Patrick's Day Visitors!

It's a St. Patrick's Day Tradition. The Leprechauns come a-visitin' on St. Patrick's Day Night.

For some, it's a bit early in the morning to deal with a pillow on your breakfast stool.

A fort of cushions? It's madness! Madness, I tell you!

Walter protects Kelson from the bright lights.

It truly would have been a disappointment if the Leprechauns didn't turn the milk green.

How the heck did those little buggers get one of the poodles' duck toys on the fan? I hope that they dusted the fan first.

They played Rock Band! You can tell, because the drum set is at the lowest level.

And look, the microphone stand is short, and the guitar straps are short. I wonder what songs they played?

It also looks like they piled up our cushions and played Mario Kart. I wonder how they did...

... pretty darn well, it appears! The Leprechaun got first place!

And now we are free of them for another year.
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Anonymous said...

In order for Leprechaun to get first in Mario Kart, they must be stopping and playing at all the houses they trash throughout the evening.

What's sad is that the little blighters would probably beat me!!!

Scooter said...

I hope they didn't mess up your groccery list on the fridge.