Thursday, October 02, 2008


On our last full day in Germany we took a trip with Martin and Nicole to Bonn. Lovely city. We visited a very nice museum there which did not allow pictures, so I won't talk about it. Then we went to the Old Town, or city center, or whatever they call it. That place did allow pictures. Here's the Rathaus:

Here is a statue of Beethoven, who was born in Bonn. I guess that's why they call him Ludwig Bonn Beethoven.

Here is Beethoven's birthplace. We decided not to waste our money and go in there, but I did get to take a picture of some random Asian tourist posing in front of the building. So that was good.

Beethoven was selling lots of things in Bonn, including this vulgar t-shirt. Don't click on the picture to enlarge it, or you might get offended.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would NOT have clicked on that picture had you NOT told me NOT to.

Shame on you for telling me NOT to!