Friday, September 26, 2008

German Wedding Presents

While the German people have many failings, most notably their affection for bizarre signs, there are some things that they do quite well.

Make beer, for instance. Ahhhh, beer.


Anyway, another thing that they do well is give interesting wedding gifts. Sure, you'll get some boring old boxes wrapped in boring old wrapping paper, with boring old wedding presents, but you're more likely to get a bouquet of flowers with money, folded and attached in an interesting way.

Another gift that Martin and Nicole got was a Schuletute (like the ones we made for Eli and Milena on their first day of Kindergarten). It was filled to the top with goofy little plastic toys, but once you got past the toys, they found that it was weighted down with lots of coins.

Lots of coins.

I claimed the task of counting and sorting all the coins. My commission was a friendly 25%.

Another gift was a butter dish that contained hearts folded out of paper Euros.

And finally, the best gift of them all. In this picture you will see what appears to be a bucket of charcoal briquettes. Well, that's what it is. However, somewhere under those briquettes is a whole bunch of coins. Dirty, dirty coins. Probably over a hundred dollars worth of dirty money. I did not take the job of cleaning, sorting and counting that gift.

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