Monday, September 29, 2008

Joy! Joy! Joy!

In Germany I mailed a box to myself. The friendly postman told me that it would take 30 to 40 days to arrive in St. Peter, but I wasn't about to spend an extra 50 dollars to make it come in a week. Well, it arrived on Saturday - only two weeks for delivery.

And what a box it was! Yes, there were boring things like dress shoes, books and a tie. But most important was the 11 pounds of German chocolate. Mmmmmm, chocolate.

Some of the goodies had already been removed by the time that picture was taken. Priorities.

And of course the chocolate must be eaten. Koleman and Milena crack into surprise eggs (gifted to us from Martin and Nicole).

Not all the treats were chocolate, I guess. Kelson organizes some kind of gummy or fruity candy. Looks gross to me.

Eli is being watched by Stevie, who really, really hopes that he drops something.

I think I'll go have some chocolate right now...
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